We can ship our products to almost every country.
We do not ship to: Chinese mainland, South Sudan, Yemen, Crimea, and Syria.
How does unihobby ship your order and how long does it take to ship ?You will receive a confirmation e-mail after placing an order and another e-mail after your order has been shipped. The second one will contain the tracking information and some instructions on how to track your parcel. The total time it takes to receive your order is described below:
The total time is the sum of the processing time and the shipping time.
Processing time = the time between when you place an order and when we ship it;
Shipping time = the time between when your order has been shipped and delivered to you;
The total delivery time is calculated from the time your order is placed until the time it is delivered to you. Total delivery time is broken down into processing time and shipping time.
Processing time:
The time it takes to prepare your item(s) to ship from our warehouse. This includes preparing your items, performing quality checks, and packing for shipment.
Shipping time:
The time for your item(s) to travel from our warehouse to your destination.
All items sold at unihobby are guaranteed to be delivered in 60 days (120 days for Brazil, 90 days for Ecuador, Venezuela, Argentina,
Bolivia, Peru, South Africa and all orders shipped with European Railway Direct Mail.)And all orders shipped from the US, EU, FR, ES, RU and AU warehouse are guaranteed to be delivered within 30 days (45 days for orders shipped to Brazil and Mexico).
If you have not received your item(s) beyond this time, you are eligible for a full refund after we have conducted a postal investigation.
Full refunds are not available under the following circumstances:
1. Delays caused by the buyer providing incorrect or incomplete delivery information;
2.Delays in delivery caused by any force majeure incidents, such as natural disasters, bad weather, and war;
3.Any un-insured order that is lost or stolen;
4.Delays in delivery caused by any other beyond unihobby's control, such as public holidays and Customs issues.
Recommended shipping methods for your country/region are shown below:Ship to:United StatesShip FromCN Warehouse
Shipping method(s) | Shipping time | Tracking information |
Standard Mail Register | 7-20 business days | Tracked |
USA Priority Mail | 7-15 business days | Tracked |
Ocean Shipping | 40-50 business days | Tracked |
Electric Vehicle Direct Mail | 12-19 business days | Tracked |
Standard Shipping | 7-20 business days | Not Tracked |
Expedited Shipping Service | 5-8 business days | Tracked |
EMS Express Mail Service | 7-15 business days | Tracked |
Priority Air Mail | 7-15 business days | Tracked |
Air Parcel Register | 7-20 business days | Tracked |
* Expedited Shipping Service and EMS Express Mail Service shipping methods can not deliver to P.O Box addresses.
Note: The shipping times mentioned above refer to the estimated times of business days that the shipment will take after an order has been shipped. Business days do not include Saturday/Sunday and any public holidays. These estimates are based on normal circumstances and are not a guarantee of delivery times. We are not responsible for the failures or delays in delivery resulting from any force majeure event, such as natural disaster, bad weather, war, and any other event beyond our direct control, such as public holidays and customs issues.
Shipping from your local warehouse is significantly faster. Some charges may apply.
The shipping fees of DHL Express and FedEx Ground may vary according to the delivery area and ZIP code, and thus slight mismatch may arise between the charges shown on the product page and on the shopping cart.
The estimated delivery time may also vary according to your location and the origin of your order. If you require any further information or assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Please contact customer support at support@unihobbytech.com.